奥普拉 + 维奥拉:Netflix特别节目在线观看和下载

奥普拉 + 维奥拉:Netflix特别节目

Oprah + Viola: A Netflix Special Event(2022)

  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: 维奥拉·戴维斯 / 奥普拉·温弗瑞
  • 类型:脱口秀
  • 语言: 英语
  • 地区: 美国

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《奥普拉 + 维奥拉:Netflix特别节目》在线观看和下载


奥普拉 + 维奥拉:Netflix特别节目原名:Oprah + Viola: A Netflix Special Event,

In this special *****, Oprah Winfrey sits down with actor Viola Davis for an interview about her memoir, "Finding Me."



奥普拉 + 维奥拉:Netflix特别节目资源介绍

奥普拉 + 维奥拉:Netflix特别节目在线观看资源:目前最高清晰度为:HD,为高清版本,推荐观看。(注意:网络慢的用户不适合观看,请选择低清晰度版本观看)。


奥普拉 + 维奥拉:Netflix特别节目评论

strictlyliftin 2023-04-05

All courage is, is fear said with prayers.

夢牛 2023-01-06


Shirley 2022-08-16

deprivation、courage! 看完想看她的书

一只出走的猫 2022-07-26

Finding me一直在我的TBR上我却迟迟没有找到一个契机翻开它。这段四十五分钟的访谈像是在提醒我,是时候打开它了。Life is sort of a dying of self… and happiness is a journey, not a destination. Hope we can all find peace and joy in our life.

Bedivere 2022-05-09


Susan 2022-05-06


🍄 2022-04-28

you have two choices at the point, you can just stay there, and be swallowed, or you can move on, i choose to move on, i didnt want to be swallowed, i wanted to be different.

小鹿想念书 2022-04-25

people always say, try harder, do better, pull yourself up with your bootstraps. but it's hard to do that when you don't have a boot.