Max Anger - With one eye open在线观看和下载

Max Anger - With one eye open


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Max Anger - With one eye open

The story is set in tumultuous 1990s-era Russia and centres on Max, who falls for Pashie (Evin Ahmad), his colleague at the Russian-focused think tank Vektor. But when she suddenly disappears, Max is plunged into a world of crime, corruption and international intrigue in Saint Petersburg. To find Pashie, Max gets **** from local taxi driver Mira (Ieva Andrejevaitė).

发布于2021年。由杰斯珀·W·尼尔森、Lisa Farzaneh执导,集众多位艾文·艾哈迈德、亚当·隆格伦、Nikolaj Antonov等著名实力派明星加盟。


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