A Lira do Delírio在线观看和下载

A Lira do Delírio


  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: Anecy Rocha / 克劳迪奥·玛佐 / 保罗·塞萨尔·佩雷奥
  • 类型:剧情
  • 语言: 葡萄牙语
  • 地区: 巴西
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A Lira do Delírio又名The Lyre of Delight

During the Carnival, in Niterói (**** next to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), the son of a Lira do Delírio (Lyre of Delirium) nightclub dancer is kidnapped. With the **** of a journalist friend, she dives into Rio de Janeiro's underworld and meet all kind of criminals. She also goes back in time, to a past carnival, where she thinks she might pin-point the culprit among a group of peo...

发布于1978年。由小沃尔特·利马执导,并且由编剧小沃尔特·利马携幕后团队创作。集众多位Anecy Rocha、克劳迪奥·玛佐、保罗·塞萨尔·佩雷奥、Antonio Pedro等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1978-10-13(巴西)公映的电影。


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A Lira do Delírio评论

L'llariit 2022-02-20

毫不遮掩地诠释**人热带主义式精神**,属于Cinema marginal(敞篷携带观众巡游里约的白日&**则是驶入声色犬**潮湿夜幕)和Cinema novo(多电影运动之手法整合使得Glauber的妹妹像是唯一主角)的***(当然也是跨领域的),溢出的自由度同时可见于剧情中重创军政府的石油危机,儿童拐卖和出现Gilberto Gil被拘留作为头条的报纸后严刑拷打的段落和街头审讯/**的parody之体现