爱森斯坦的学生(但拍摄此作品是在跟爱森斯坦学习之前) **** symphony Reflections and shadows were often used to support the abstract nature of the films. 关注城市独一无二的特质 Manhattan is a visual marvel that matches footage of New York **** with excerpts from Walt Whitman’s poem .” Mannahatta” Industry and motion, especially mechanical motion , are of **** interest to the filmmake
Ross 2024-04-12
余啸 2024-03-07
Kino于2023年发行的蓝光Silent Avant Garde中收录,14分钟 恣意随性的构图,较一般的城市纪录片多了一些作者电影感
跳出框的鱼 2022-02-26
杨小槑 2021-03-23
yk 2020-10-03
爱森斯坦的学生(但拍摄此作品是在跟爱森斯坦学习之前) **** symphony Reflections and shadows were often used to support the abstract nature of the films. 关注城市独一无二的特质 Manhattan is a visual marvel that matches footage of New York **** with excerpts from Walt Whitman’s poem .” Mannahatta” Industry and motion, especially mechanical motion , are of **** interest to the filmmake
qw0aszx 2016-03-24
优美的城市景象,缓慢飞下的报纸,可惜配乐太糟糕 ★★★★
btr 2015-12-19
把日常生活变成了光与影变幻移动、音乐与画面配合的灵动之诗。Jay Leyda**森斯坦学生之前就这么才华横溢了(后来还娶了陈友仁的女儿**兰)。
柠檬与黄瓜 2015-05-30
HurryShit 2012-09-13
不同於多數**** symphony的視角,私密且輕柔,充滿動能與靈巧,也沒有學究氣。