Hans Richter's 'Rhythmus 21 (1921)' has modest enough aspirations, and I suppose it's fair to say that it fulfills them adequately. As far as "geometric shapes increasing and decreasing in size" cinema goes, this is a vaguely interesting short film that takes a ****** concept and
成都越 2020-06-28
导演作为达达主义的玩家,这部片子也许其实比早期MG实验选手(例如Oskar Fischinger,Norman McLaren)的图形实验要早得多。另外在上述MG实验选手开始出来做东西的时候,Richter已经在发表关于**电影的文章了。于是**电影与运动图形在此被串联了起来。
Panda的影音 2020-02-18
第二十一号节奏 Rhythmus 21 (1921):https://***.bilibili****/video/av70853942 —— 默片**的抽象电影。
Elanor 2018-12-06
《认识电影》上说,很多先锋派艺术家都是从绘画转入电影行业的,因为着迷于影像具时间性及物理上具动感的层次 看完更理解这句话,一下想到《胜利之舞》
RYZ 2017-08-07
光 2013-11-23
四两白干 2013-04-13
stknight 2011-03-23
Hans Richter's 'Rhythmus 21 (1921)' has modest enough aspirations, and I suppose it's fair to say that it fulfills them adequately. As far as "geometric shapes increasing and decreasing in size" cinema goes, this is a vaguely interesting short film that takes a ****** concept and
文泽尔 2009-03-02
mikaholic 2008-11-05
感觉用线条的那个更有感染力 原理同欣儿跳舞不够yumiko好看是一样的
何倩彤 2008-07-02