杨·托米克 Jaan Toomik

杨·托米克 Jaan Toomik
  • 性别:
  • 职业:导演 / 编剧 / 演员 / 制片人

杨·托米克 Jaan Toomik简介


Jaan TOOMIK (1961, Estonia) works as an artist and a director. In 1980 he joined the army of the Soviet Union, in which he served for two years. After that, Toomik registered at the Art Academy in Tallinn, where he specialised in painting. He made his debut as a filmmaker with the short film Communion in 2007. Landscape with Many Moons (2014) is his first full-length feature.

杨·托米克 Jaan Toomik合作伙伴

杨·托米克 Jaan Toomik最近作品

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